Cardiac Arrest in Women: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

Heart attacks are believed to be associated with only older men but this disease strikes nearly one million people in America every year. Young men and women are equally vulnerable to getting cardiac arrests. Women should be aware of the factors that accelerate the risks of having a cardiac arrest. The health care provider can guide you about the ways to minimize the risks.

Warning signs
• Feeling chest discomfort in squeezing the chest in fullness
• Discomfort in other areas such as back, neck, and the stomach with shortness of breath
• Chest discomfort with nausea and light-headedness

Risk factors
Factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol and physical inactivity aggrandize the chances of suffering a cardiac arrest. According to the American Heart Association–sponsored telephone survey very few women were aware of the risk factors and symptoms of heart attack.


Cardiac Arrest in Women: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention

Aspirin is widely popular as a preventive medicine for deterring the clotting of blood vessels. It does decrease the chances of having a stroke or heart attack but can increase the risks such as stomach bleeding. Aspirin can be taken in low doses.

All women should consult the healthcare providers, who are required to assess your chances as per the risk prediction charts and inform you about preventive strategies.

It is better to be prepared in case of urgencies. Therefore, all women must take part in the licensed CPR classes to provide first aid to the victims.