Tag Archives: CPR training Petaluma

Why You Should Learn Pediatric CPR Training

Contrary to popular perception, pediatric CPR training Petaluma is not mean just for medical professionals like pediatricians and nurses. This is an essential training program meant for anyone who regularly interacts with children. This includes parents, relatives, teachers, bus drivers, and caretakers.

You can save lives

Studies have shown that the rate of survival in children who suffer from a cardiac arrest outside a hospital is as low as only 6%. The reason? It’s because bystanders simply do not know what to do in such cases. Now think, this can happen in your home or the classroom where the children are under your watch! With the right training, you can save a child’s precious life.

Professional requirement

For people whose job requires them to interact with children on a daily basis, learning pediatric CPR could be a professional requirement. Professionals like teachers and caretakers are responsible for the health and safety of children under their supervision.

Because it is different from adult CPR

Do you need pediatric CPR training Petaluma if you already know adult CPR? The answer is yes. This is because children have different physiology and bone structure from adults. They have narrower airways and their bones tend to flex. One must also e careful when administrating CPR to avoid injuring the child.

All About CPR Training For Babies

Although no one wants to even dream about baby or infant falling prey for breathing problems or cardiac arrest, there is no harm in being prepared for such situations. CPR training Petaluma helps you in aiding children when they are suffering from any breathing problems. Don’t hesitate to learn about CPR for your children. If you visit any CPR training center they will help you in treating children with CPR. They will provide you the mannequin of a child and teaches you how to perform the CPR treatment for babies.

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What are the Causes of Breathing Problems In Children?

The only reason that children may need CPR is due to respiratory issues. They may even lead to cardiac arrest. Here are the reasons that may cause these breathing problems in children.

Severe Asthma
Smoke Inhalation
Near Drowning
Electrical Shock
Head Trauma
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Obstructive apnea

CPR helps in restoring the blood in heart, brain and various other vital organs. If the vital organs don’t get oxygen-rich blood for more than four minutes then there is a chance that brain damage or death of the person.

What Will You Learn In CPR Class

It is better to attend CPR training Petaluma rather than seeing videos or reading books about it. In the infant CPR treatment class, you will get to learn about the prevention, recognition and how to respond to the cardiac arrest and breathing emergencies. After attending the classes you can take the aid of books and videos to refresh your memory.


How To Perform CPR After Training?

CPR helps in saving many lives but sadly after going through the CPR training, it is hard to remember all the steps in the time of emergency. This simple step by step guide helps you in guiding with the CPR treatment after getting CPR training Petaluma.

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Before Starting CPR

• Check the person and make sure he is safe. Tap the person on the shoulder and ask him whether they are okay or not.
• Call the emergency number for further assistance, if the person needs any help call any bystander and ask for help. If there aren’t any bystanders then just stay with the person all the time.
• Make the person lie on his or her back and tilt their head backward slightly. As you tilt the head, the chin opens so does the airway.
• Now check for breathing. If there is no sound of breathing for ten seconds then start CPR. The gasping sounds that come occasionally are not breathing. These are the steps that you have to follow before starting CPR and this is taught in CPR training Petaluma.

CPR Steps

• It is time for you to push as much as hard and fast as you can. Place your hands one on other on the chest of the patient and use your entire body weight to administer the compressions. Make sure that at least 100 compressions are delivered per minute.
• Deliver rescue breaths for the person by holding their chin up, closing their nose and providing them breath from your mouth to theirs. Give compressions and deliver rescue breathes in the middle.
• Continue the CPR steps by performing chest compressions and rescue breathing.

Get Your CPR Training From a Good Center in Petaluma

If you are really interested in getting a CPR training that actually works in critical scenarios, going to a well known and certified center in Petaluma for this training would be an advisable move for you in this regard.

Getting your training from a source that is non-certified and also not recognized by any government agency could be a problem, because if you are not trained properly in practical aspects of the CPR training, there is great possibility that you might even forget your training altogether in a real life threatening scenario.

CPR Training Petaluma

It is observed in many cases that people, who don’t have a hands-on exposure of handling real life CPR scenarios, are often the ones to fail in administering a CPR properly to the person having a cardiac arrest. And a failure in this regard could easily result in the loss of a person’s life whose last hope of survival might be solely dependent on your ability to administer a proper CPR procedure.

That’s why, if you really want to get a CPR training that is effective, and actually works in real life threatening situations; your be at option would to be to get your training from a certified CPR Training in Petaluma.

Want CPR Training in Petaluma?

If you are looking for CPR training in Petaluma, it is a pretty smart move on your part, which you will never ever regret in your life. A technique involving Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), this training will empower you to help people come out alive from near death situations. And why only people, you might also save a very close one who means the world to you as well by using this life saving procedure in the nick of time.

CPR Training Petaluma

Whenever people hear about CPR, their general perception is assuming that it is a heart attack. However contrary to general perception, CPR could be required in a number of scenarios that include, suffocating or choking, drowning, drug overdose, severe allergic reaction and heart conditions in old aged people above 65 years of age.

If you have older people above the age of 65 living with you at home, your CPR training could really come in handy in handling their emergency medical condition, and keeping them stable till the time proper medical care can be provided. So if you have decided to get CPR training in Petaluma, it is definitely a very smart move on your part.